
New guidance: Applying for building consent

5 minutes to read

The Building Performance team at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has recently released new guidance and supporting information to help people understand the building consent process.

The new material was released after recognising that there was a level of uncertainty in the building sector and from homeowners on the requirements and procedures for applying for a building consent and Code of Compliance.

The guidance has been created to help people understand how the building consent process works and how to navigate it successfully. It covers how to determine which building work requires a building consent, the building consent process, common mistakes in the application process, and the role of inspections and the Code of Compliance certificate.

Some building work is exempt from the requirement to obtain a building consent, see the link below for details.
A building project starts when the decision to build is made. It is important to understand early what requirements need to be met that might inform your design decisions.

Prepare your building consent application and include all required information, documentation and fees. Check the council’s website for any additional information that they might require, including familiarising yourself with the council’s electronic submission system.
A quality building consent application will avoid delays and reduces costs.

Step-by-step guide to the building consent process

A guide has been created to provide the building consent process from the pre-application stage, when site specific information is gathered, to when the code compliance certificate is issued. It will support you to understand early what requirements need to be met to help inform your design decisions. Find out about each step in the printable diagram via the link at the end of this article.

Building Consent Guidance

This guide covers the building consent process for applications for new residential building work, however the principles can be applied to all building consent applications, including those for large and/or complex commercial projects.


This guidance is for:

Homeowners who wish to understand the process involved in applying for a building consent.

Building practitioners (designers, builders, developers, engineers and architects) who are applying for a building consent application on behalf of the owner.

Councils are also required to provide information to enable customers and applicants to navigate the steps and key requirements of the building consent process, and to make good consent applications. It is a good practice to check your local council’s website before you submit your application.

To make a good building consent application, your application should be clear, correct and complete and include a suitable level of detail. The standard of order documents checklist via the link below is used for residential dwellings and helps to ensure your building consent application is well organised and clearly set out.

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